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Terms of Sale - Auctions


Auction Participants are required to strictly observe and accept the following conditions governing auction sales (which will be considered fully accepted in case bids are submitted).

1 - All material is deemed authentic and free of any hidden defects, otherwise it would be indicated. The lots are described with utmost accuracy and good faith. Regarding photographed lots the reproduction is determinant for margins, centring, perforation, cancellation and general aspects of lots. The numeration is in conformity with Sassone catalogue for Italy, Italian territories and Europe while Yvert is used for countries abroad, with the Filagrano catalogue for the Interi Postali. Where appropriate other catalogues will be indicated in the description.

2 - The Auctioneer has the power, in his own unobjectionable judgement, to withdraw and divide the offered lots, and to refuse offers arrived.

3 - The base prices are expressed in euro. Offers lower than base prices will not be accepted.

4 - The lots shall be awarded to the highest bidder. In case there are several offers received by mail, the starting price in the auction-room will be calculated by increasing the penultimate bid by one click as per "bid increments table" for example: base price euro 100,00, received offers euro 150,00, 200,00, 300,00.The lot will start (in the auction-room) from euro 220,00). If there were two or more than two offers of the same amount in writing, the lot shall start in the auction-room from the sum itself and, where there are no offers in the auction-room, the lot shall be awarded to the first one received. Offers received in writing take precedence over the ones with the same amount bid in the auction-room.

5 - The bids increase will be at the auctioneer’s discretion, but they will not be over the 10% with a minimum of € 10.00. Bids stating such expressions as “the best” or similar phrases will not be taken into consideration.

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7 - In addition to the price awarded, the buyer shall pay a 20% commission on the amount. The awarded material is meant to be delivered to the buyer at the moment of the award and has to be collected in the auction-room or by our offices in Dogana (R.S.M.) at his expense and care. Buyers will be able to ask for insurance subscription for the lots purchased. In the event, Filatelia Sammarinese s.r.l. can advise leading insurance companies. Filatelia Sammarinese s.r.l. will charge the amount of € 10.00 for Italy and € 15.00 for other countries up to 350 grams in weight for packaging and overheads; beyond this weight, the charge will be determined precisely.

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10 - The Filatelia Sammarinese may allow extension of payment, which must be agreed on before your offer, being understood and being confirmed the “reserved domination” in favour of the buyer.

11 - Eventual claims must be made at the moment of your withdrawal in our office, otherwise within 7 days since the delivery date if delivered by mail or any other means. Do not accept claims for lots composed of more than 10 pieces, collections and lots described as "to be examined".

12 - Sales by auction as well as all its legal relations are subject to Sammarinese law. Regarding disputes, San Marino’s law-courts are competent.The original of the “Conditions of Sales” for this auction have been written Italian which will be the controlling language in all respects. Any translations into any other language are for reference only and will have no legal or other effect.



francobollo nuovo con gomma originale integra

francobollo nuovo con gomma originale linguellato

francobollo senza gomma

francobollo usato

documento - libro - pubblicazione

frammento - frontespizio

busta - lettera - piego - cartolina

intero postale



Bot - Giacomo Bottacchi APFIP - AIEP

RD - Raffaele Diena APFIP

Caf - Egidio Caffaz APFIP

Long - Fiorenzo Longhi APFIP - AIEP

Car - Diego Carraro APFIP - AIEP

Ray - Luigi Raybaudi

Chiav - Giovanni Chiavarello

Ray - Maurizio Raybaudi

Colla - Giorgio Colla - AIEP

Ray - Raybaudi Experts di Serena Vignati APFIP

AD - Alberto Diena

Sor - Silvano e Manuela Sorani APFIP

ED - Enzo Diena

Vac - Paolo Vaccari

EmD - Emilio Diena

intero postale